The mission of the AES library media center is to integrate the library media center, its resources and services into the instructional goals of our school. The library media center encourages reading as a lifelong activity. The library media center staff provides training in the pursuit of and access to information resources and assists students, teachers, staff and community in the pursuit of learning that incorporates the Andalusia City School System's vision of "Distinction, Excellence and Success."
Library Contact:
Angie Bowden
Media Specialist

AES Library Media Center
Related Forms
Alabama Virtual Library
The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources.
AR Book Finder
Kid Friendly Websites
Listen to actors & celebrities read books
Book Adventure
Free site, encouraging students to read. Students earn points by taking tests and earn prizes from the prize bin.
KOL Jr. Stories - Online Picture Books Read Aloud - AOL Kids
Students can play games and read books online. Play online at this Web site for kids with games, music, cartoons, pets, movies, animals and celebrities. The Internet has never been so much fun! A Parent's Choice Award for 2008.
National Gallery of Art
Site is interactive with art projects, videos & games
National Geographic Kids
Site contains stories, game, videos, animal facts & more.
PBS Kids
Variey of activities in this site: includes games, sports & favorite PBS characters.
We Give Books
Students can log on and read books online. This free website allows students to register and read a variety of books.
Site has animal facts, games, activities and a virtual zoo.
Research Help
Alabama Virtual Library
Site has encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines & more excellent research sources. Access AVL from school or home by selecting campus and library tab. No AVL card needed.
Alabama Online Encyclopedia
Site gives information about the history, art, politics, business, folklife, literature, agriculture, people of Alabama, and much more.
Alabama Department of Archives & History
Site is a great resource for students and teachers on topics related to Alabama History.
Homework Help
Site has research for animals, history, culture, maps, geography, places, science and nature.
Kids Gov
Site contains links to state sites, arts, government, space, homework help, history, fun stuff and more.
Ask for Kids
Help for homework, news, fun & games.
Language itools
Site contains dictionaries and thesauruses. It has a text and word translator to translate English into another language or from another language into English.
Teacher Websites
use your APTPlus username and password to access this site. The site gives you access to Discovery Education streaming, Learn360 & APTPlus Digital Library. Videos and other useful information can be downloaded to use in the classroom.
Compass Learning / Odyssey
Teachers can create individual student activities. Create classroom assignments adn projects where students can link to web sites and create a paperless report.
Site has ideas to integrate technology into the classroom.
Discovery Education
Teachers will find lesson plans, video clips, clip art, puzzlemakers and more.
Alabama Learning Exchange includes courses of study, web links, lesson plans & other professional tools.
Marco Polo
Teacher resources linked to curriculum.
Awesome Library
Lesson plan ideas, activities, writing prompts & other useful information for the classroom.